PPE now available for covid. BabyBoom Ireland is proud to announce that we are now selling personal protective equipment online and instore. As a result of this we have decided to sell disposable face masks, face shields, and more in store. This is to ensure the safety of all our customers, during this difficult time.
what is in stock?
We are currently stocking 60 packs of 10 disposable face masks, along with 5 packs of 10 face shields, and 12 bottles of soueeum.
the disposable masks cost €7, while the face shields are €50. The hand gel is priced at €12 a bottle. You’ll struggle to find that anywhere else!
We here at BabyBoom ireland are aware of the increasing demand for personal protective equipment (ppe) during the Covid-19 pandemic, and are striving to meet this demand.
Please be aware that we are currently following the latest government guidelines. Disposable and reusable face masks or a face shield must be worn.
A face covering is a material you wear that covers the nose and mouth.
Wearing a face covering reduces the spread of coronavirus in the community. It helps to reduce the spread of respiratory droplets from people infected with coronavirus. This helps to stop people who are not aware they have the virus from spreading.
Face coverings are not recommended for children under the age of 13. This is because young children may not follow the advice about wearing a mask correctly. They may also not understand the importance of avoiding touching it.
However, children under 13 should wear a mask if their doctor or healthcare worker advises this. For example, some children may be advised to do this when attending a hospital clinic.
You do not have to wear a face covering if you have an illness or impairment that would make wearing or removing a face covering upsetting or uncomfortable.
Covid ppe Face coverings are also not recommended for anyone who:
has trouble breathing for example, those with asthma
is unconscious or incapacitated
is unable to remove it without help
has special needs and who may feel upset or very uncomfortable wearing the face covering
When to wear one
By law, you have to wear a face covering on public transport, and in shops, including;
- pharmacies
- shopping centres
- libraries
- cinemas and cinema complexes
- theatres
- concert halls
- bingo halls
- museums
- nail salons
- hair salons and barbers
- tattoo and piercing parlours
- travel agents and tour operators
- laundries and dry cleaners
- bookmakers
When you can remove your face covering/ covid ppe
You can remove your face covering if you need to:
- talk to someone who has difficulties communicating
provide emergency help or care to a vulnerable person - take medication
You may also remove your face covering when you are:
- at a post office, credit union or bank
- eating and drinking at a restaurant or café – wear one until you get to your table and when you are leaving
- getting medical or dental treatment
What they are made from
Face coverings are made from cloth materials such as cotton or silk.
You can buy them or make them at home using items such as scarfs, t-shirts, sweatshirts, or towels.
Other types of face coverings include visors or face shields.
How to wear one
A cloth face covering should cover the nose and go under the chin and fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face
include at least 2 layers of fabric
allow for breathing without restriction. https://www.facebook.com/www.babyboom.ie. https://www.babyboom.ie/
hand sanitizer face shields disposable masks disposable masks